So what is ICChSE?
International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE) is an annual international conference presenting the latest research in chemistry, chemistry-related fields, and natural science education. It is held by the Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). The 2nd ICChSE aims to provide an opportunity for academics, researchers, professionals, practitioners, observers, teachers, and students to present their current research and share it with others. In this year, ICChSE takes the following theme: “Improving The Research Quality in Chemistry and Natural Science Education for The Upcoming Challenges to Face The 5th Industrial Revolution". It will be held on August 4th-5th, 2021 online through the Zoom meeting.
ICChSE comprises the main conference that lets participants share their thoughts and knowledge and make further possible collaboration. The conference spans a broad area of research in the field of chemistry and science learning including but not limited to organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and science instruction. The conference will feature invited plenary talks by prominent speakers in the field of chemistry and natural science education from national and overseas researchers. All papers presented in 2nd ICChSE 2021 will be reviewed and selected for publication in a proceeding and journal indexed by Scopus.
Contact us
I wanna contact the team directly for more questions. What could I do?
Here is our secretariat address if you wanted to ask the question to us directly:
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Padang
Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang, West Sumatra 25132
Or you could contact us via WhatsApp or phone number:
- Publication: Guspatni, M.A (+6282121256844)
- Payment: Dr. Eng. Okta Suryani, M.Sc (+818048153119)
- Secretariat: Annisa Dewi Pangestuti, M.Si (+6285762451776)
- Event: Eka Yusmaita, M.Pd (+6285263910009)
We also have two official social media account currently,
You can reach us there too.
Or you could also contact us through our official email address by filling this form below: