Hello, my name is Trisna Kumala Sari. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to The 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE). The theme of the conference is “Improving The Research Quality in Chemistry and Natural Science Education for The Upcoming Challenges to Face The 5th Industrial Revolution". This conference is organized by the Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Padang. The main objective of this conference is to provide an opportunity for academics, researchers, professionals, practitioners, observers, teachers, and students to present their current research in chemistry and related fields as well as current issues in natural science education (chemistry, biology, and physics). Due to global health issues with covid disease (COVID-19), the conference will be held virtually through the Zoom Meeting program on August 4th-5th, 2021. Participants can get guidelines for the technical program of the conference on this website.
Best Regards,
Trisna Kumala Sari, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.,D
(General Chair) -
International Conference on Chemistry and Science Education (ICChSE) is an annual international conference presenting the latest research in chemistry, chemistry-related fields, and natural science education. It is held by the Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). The 2nd ICChSE aims to provide an opportunity for academics, researchers, professionals, practitioners, observers, teachers, and students to present their current research and share it with others. In this first year, ICChSE takes the following theme: “Improving The Research Quality in Chemistry and Natural Science Education for The Upcoming Challenges to Face The 5th Industrial Revolution". It will be held on August 4th-5th, 2021 online through the Zoom meeting.
ICChSE comprises the main conference that lets participants share their thoughts and knowledge and make further possible collaboration. The conference spans a broad area of research in the field of chemistry and science learning including but not limited to organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and science instruction. The conference will feature invited plenary talks by prominent speakers in the field of chemistry and natural science education from national and overseas researchers. All papers presented in 2nd ICChSE 2021 will be reviewed and selected for publication in a proceeding and journal indexed by Scopus.
This year, The 2nd ICChSE will takes the following theme:
"Improving The Research Quality in Chemistry and Natural Science Education for The Upcoming Challenges to Face The 5th Industrial Revolution”.
This year, the 2nd ICChSE will cover this scope of topics:
Analytical Science
Environmental Science
Material Science
Renewable Energy
Natural Products
Organic Synthesis
Science Education:
Natural Science Education
STEM Education
Media and Technology
Assessment and Evaluation
Teaching Learning Approaches
Curriculum Studies
Below is a few guidelines that you could follow for this event.
The conference will be done through Zoom meeting. Participants are suggested to make a Zoom meeting account.
Participants will get the links to join the conference via email. One is the link for the keynote speaker session and the others are links for parallel sessions.
Participants should prepare a laptop (or other gadgets) to join the conference.
Plenary session
Participants and keynote speakers should join the conference on the scheduled time.
The host will lead the plenary session as the following:
The host will open the plenary session
The host will allow the first keynote speaker to give his/her 45-minute online presentation. During the presentation, participants can ask questions through "Chat" of the meeting. Do not forget to write the name of the keynote speaker to whom your questions are asked.
The host will allow the second keynote speaker to give his/her 45-minute online presentation. During the presentation, participants can ask questions through "Chat" of the meeting. Do not forget to write the name of the keynote speaker to whom your questions are asked.
The host will open discussion sessions for the first and second keynote speakers. Questions to be answered by keynote speakers are chosen by the host.
Participants can ask further questions when needed, for example, when participants want to get more explanations on the ongoing answer.
The host will continue leading the plenary session for the third and fourth keynote speakers. Steps 2 to 5 are repeated.
The host will close the plenary session.
The plenary session will last for about 3 hours.
The technical guideline can be seen in the following video.
Parallel Sessions
Parallel sessions will be held the next day after all the plenary sessions finished. The seminars will be led by moderators/ hosts in separate Zoom meetings. The links of all meetings will be sent to the email of the participants. Presenter-participants are hoped to stay in the meeting at least until the Q&A for their presentations are completed. Details are below:
Presenter-participants are grouped based on the topics of the articles.
Participants, especially presenter-participants, should join the meeting at the time scheduled.
The host will display a video presentation of the presenters. Participants can ask questions during the presentations (by using "Chat" of the meeting).
The presenters are allowed to answer the questions in the discussion time.
The host will close the meeting.
Preparation of video presentation
Presenter-participants need to make his/her own audio-embedded presentation (voice accompanying every slide).
Presenter-participants can make the presentation as PowerPoint or video-type file.
The file should be sent no later than 2 weeks before the conference.
Tutorial of how to make an audio-embedded presentation can be seen in the following videos.
Poster Sessions:
Poster sessions will be held right after the opening of the plenary session. The poster presenter must upload the poster through your personal Twitter account. The poster presenter should also stay in the Zoom meeting. We will give you a spare time to answer the question from other participants on your Twitter account. Details are below:
- Authors not attending the conference will not receive the certificate.
- All attendees will be provided with delegate certificate signed by committee. Name and affiliation on the certificates will be printed on certificates as per our records, for any changes or requests regarding the certification— please contact us one month before the conference.
- Certificates will be provided during the session or after completion of the session, so please make sure to be present until the end of the session.
- Authors not attending the conference will not receive the certificate.
Below we explain details about submission for this event.
Publication team will select all incoming articles. The first assessment is to the abstract sent by participant. If the abstract is accepted, the publication team will contact the author to submit a full paper to be presented in plenary session and be further reviewed by reviewers.
- Authors who don't expect any publication of the paper are welcome to submit the abstracts for presentation at the conference without publication.
- Abstract should be no more than 200 words (excluding abstract title, authors, and affiliations), with A4 Paper size in DOC or PDF format.
- Accepted abstracts will be invited for presentation (oral). The abstract will be included in conference program book.
Full paper
- Plagiarism is strictly forbidden in any academic conference. The articles submitted should be original and have not been previously published. Any violation will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the policy.
- Papers submitted must be original work and should not have been previously presented or published elsewhere.
- Papers should be written in English (US).
- Credentials (full name and affiliations) of all authors must be included.
- Topic of the paper should conform to the scope of the conference.
- Full paper must be uploaded to the conference website by logging in as a participant.
Video Presentation Guidelines and Tutorial
For Video Presentation Guidelines and Tutorial, please refer to this guidelines.
You could download the guidelines too from here: Video Presentation Guidelines and Tutorial - ICChSE 2021
This information was updated on Friday, 23 July 2021.
As stated before, due to coronavirus pandemic, we will held this event virtually through Zoom Meeting. If there are any change we will update you as soon as possible.
Publication team will select all incoming articles. The first assessment is to the abstract sent by participants. If the abstract is accepted, the publication team will contact the author to submit a full paper to be presented in plenary session and be further reviewed by reviewers.
Honestly the committee didn't built the website from scratch. We use a site profile made by @duerrsimon which he published to github. We only did some tweaking here and there. So we wanna say that we are grateful for the Processwire site profile that he has made and share it through github.
If you wanna know more, you could visit some website below:
The Committee and Editorial Board
Here is details of people who will handle this event.
Steering Committee
Advisory Board : Prof. Ganefri, Ph.D. (Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang, UNP)
Members :
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yulkifli, S.Pd., M.Si. (Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNP)
Fitri Amelia, M.Si., Ph.D ( Head of Depatment of Chemistry, UNP)
Organizing Committee
Chair : Trisna Kumala Sari, M.Si., Ph.D.
Secretary : Dr. Riga, M.Si.
Treasurer 1 : Dr. Eng. Okta Suryani, M.Sc.
Treasurer 2 : Dr. Desy Kurniawati, S.Pd, M.Si.
Secretariat Chairs
Annisa Dewi Pangestuti, S.Si., M.Si.
Edi Nasra, S.Si., M.Si.
Hesty Parbuntari, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Faizah Qurrata Aini, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Dila Wahyuni, S.Pd.
Silvi Veronita, S.Si.
Program and Workshop Chairs
Effendi, S.Pd, M.Sc.
Eka Yusmaita, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Dra. Sri Benti Etika, M.Si.
Dr. Yerimadesi, M.Si.
Miftahul Khair, M.Sc, Ph.D.
Fitri Yuranda, S.T.
Corporate Relation Chairs
Dr. Indang Dewata, M.Si
Ananda Putra, Ph.D
Dr. Andromeda, M.Si
Publication Chairs
Budhi Oktavia, M.Si, Ph.D
Dr. Ramli, M.Si.
Guspatni, S.Pd., M.A.
Zonalia Fitriza, M.Pd
IT and Web Masters
Dr. Rahadian, M.Si
Adli Hadiyan Munif, S.Pd
Consumption Divisions
Melindra Mulia, M.Si
Syamsi Aini, Ph.D.
Herawati Desi Putri
Dra. Suryelita, M.Si
Logistics and Documentation
Drs. Iswendi, M.S.
Hary Sanjaya, M.Si
Heru Purwanto
Here is the editorial board and reviewers for this event.
Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Budhi Oktavia, M.Si., Ph.D
Universitas Negeri Padang
Important Dates and Registration
Here are some important dates for current event. We also showed the dates in the homepage.
Deadline of Date and Time Registration Wednesday, 30 June 2021 - 09:00 PM (UTC +7)
Updated with "No Limitation to Register" on Thursday, 01 July 2021.Abstract Submission Thursday, 01 July 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7)
Extended until Friday, 09 July 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7) - First Extension on Thursday, 01 July 2021.Notification of abstract acceptance Thursday, 01 July - Monday, 05 July 2021 Conference Fee Proof of Payment Submission Form Monday, 12 July 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7)
Extended until Sunday, 25 July 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7) - First Extension on Monday, 12 July 2021.Full Paper Submission Friday, 16 July 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7)
Extended until Saturday, 07 August 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7) - First Extension on Friday, 16 July 2021.
Extended until Saturday, 14 August 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7) - Second Extension on Saturday, 07 August 2021.YouTube Link Submission Monday, 19 July 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC+7)
Extended until Sunday, 25 July 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7) - First Extension on Monday, 19 July 2021.Publication Fee Proof of Payment Form* Friday, 30 July 2021 - 11:55 PM (UTC +7) Poster and Twitter Post Link Submission Tuesday, 03 August 2021 at 07:00 PM till 11:55 PM (UTC +7) *still in discussion.
Yes, you can.
Please refer to this page. Please take notes that the page will be automatically updated every five minute. Also because the committee worked manually behind the scene, so we need to verify some data behind the scene in the span of 1 x 24 hours since you filled the forms.
Fee and Payment
We divided our participant into two general groups, international participant and local participant. More details could be seen below:
Register as Presenting as Regional Fee Student Oral Presenter Indonesia IDR 400.000,- Poster Presenter IDR 350.000,- Non Presenter IDR 50.000,- Professional Oral Presenter IDR 550.000,- Poster Presenter IDR 500.000,- Non Presenter IDR 50.000,- Student Oral Presenter International USD 45 Poster Presenter USD 45 Non Presenter USD 5 Professional Oral Presenter USD 35 Poster Presenter USD 35 Non Presenter USD 5 As for the publication fee, we will charge USD 100 for International Participant and IDR 1.500.000,- for Local Participant.
As for now, you could use these details to make your payment manually.
- Bank Name : Bank Nagari
- Bank Code : 118
- Account Number : 99.0002.2020.0001.0002
- Account Name : ICChSE Kimia FMIPA
After you make your payment, please save the receipt then please fill the form for payment proof that we will send to your email later on. We will confirm your transaction in the range of next 24 hours.
Previous events
On 2020, ICChSE held it's first conference virtually through Zoom, Google Meet and YouTube Live. The event was held on 6th August from morning till afternoon. You could visit previous event's website here or read more details in an article published here in Indonesian, in Chemistry Department Official Website. You could also see some images from last event here, or rewatch the live event here, and watch the behind the scene here.
Yes, selected manuscripts from previous event has been published already. You could read more details about the publication in this address.