Technical Guidelines
Plenary Session
This session will begin after the opening and official welcoming speech from the Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang. It will be done online through Zoom meeting whose link will be sent to the e-mail of all participants. Moderator will lead the plenary session and allow keynote speakers to give their live presentations. Participants can use "Raise hand" and "Chat" features to write their questions regarding presentations given by keynote speakers. Moderator will choose one or more out of many questions to be answered by each keynote speaker in the discussion session.
*notes: the schedule updated on Friday, 25 June 2021.
Parallel Sessions
Parallel sessions will also be done online through Zoom meeting. The presenter will be grouped based on the topic of interest. Each group has its own Zoom meeting link that will be sent to all members in the corresponding group. Non-presenter participants will get links to all parallel seminars so that they can choose which group they will join. The host of the meeting will manage the seminar and display presentation videos that have been sent by presenters beforehand. This session will be lead by a moderator both for presentation and discussion. The discussion will be done after three to five presentations. Therefore, during the presentations, participants are allowed to write the questions using the "Chat" feature.
Poster Sessions
Poster Sessions will be done online through social media, Twitter. The presenter will tweet his/her poster via their own Twitter account.
Video Presentation Guidelines and Tutorial
For Video Presentation Guidelines and Tutorial, please refer to this guidelines.
You could download the guidelines too from here: Video Presentation Guidelines and Tutorial - ICChSE 2021
This information was updated on Friday, 23 July 2021.